
Mi disfrute del Espíritu viviente dentro de mí

I live in Orange, CA. I am married and have six children.

What I have enjoyed in the local churches is that the truths that are spoken about are of a level I have not heard elsewhere. All these truths nourished and built me up in Christ and enabled me to enjoy Christ as a living Person.

I thank the Lord for both Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, as well as for their vision and faithfulness to the Lord and to His Word. They have been guided by the Lord to labor upon His Word to interpret it and to release the riches of Christ.

Through the enjoyment of Christ as my spiritual food and drink, I have experienced His peace and His faith; I have the assurance of Christ living in me through His Word. By daily eating and drinking of Him I am also filled with Him as my true satisfaction!

I praise the Lord for granting me such mercy to remain under His grace.

